My Colchicum watercolour- half sheet of Winsor and Newton 140 lb NOT paper and mainly WN watercolours.. |
Here we are -- fini with the Colchicum painting. Sadly, this is not very brilliant. I am not sure why, maybe just the copy I chose. In reality, it is GLOWING and I was very pleased about that. Now, I am at a painting crossroads! Where to go next??
I have two potential subjects and SHALL, eventually, paint both I expect. I have stretched two pieces of WC paper today and they are drying now. They won't be useable for a couple of days.
The next subject will be either....
I did the original photo in a corn field in Wiltshire England way back in 1966 on our honeymoon but LOVE the pic so much that I had to make a quilt--TWO actually. This is the BIG one, Called Poppies Aglow II but I also did a tiny prototype, 7"x10" called Poppies Aglow. It is now part of the permanent collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah KY! |
Common old Chicory ... like little bits of sky fell to earth. I love it. I have watercoloured it before, long ago as a botanical painting but want to do it as a full painting with background and everything |
So... what to choose, what to choose? I want to do BOTH but THINK I am leaning toward the Poppies- get them out of my head! Do you ever have that problem? Things get in there and nothing will do but I answer the call and just DO IT!!!
Yesterday, I stretched my papers, half sheet for chicory and full sheet for the poppies. So , just tape the papers down and then gently grid them appropriately...CHOOSE only ONE subject and DRAW!! Stay tuned.
BTW, I hope and trust that you are all cheering Spring on! If not.. WHY not! Cheers for the moment. be creative!
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