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Ready for Christmas

I have finished as much quilting as I am going to do today. I will likely not be posting any more actual sewing over Christmas but I shall not be silent or invisible. We are  HOPING for a visit from our daughter and son in law after Christmas so I was desperate to empty her room of the quilting stuff. I quilted all day and then started to clear up in that room. I hope to bake, decorate for Christmas and to do some more work on iPhoto and Photoshop so with any luck at all, I will post some of that stuff to show you.

I have been learning to make books, calendars and cards on iPhoto. Those cannot be posted on the internet but I have also been investigating a new App I recently learned of. It is called iBook Author, and I am hoping I will  soon be  making some little books to post online. They are supposed to be touch enabled so those of you with iPads should be able to read them . We shall see. I hope I have time to take one more One to One session on this so I can get started on it. Stay tuned , but do NOT put your Christmas prep on hold in anticipation ;-) 

As I have no new sewing to show, I decided to post some pictures of cards I made for Christmas last year. These were a ball to make and if anyone is interested how they are done, let me know and I will be glad to post directions.

I am going to post this on needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.com  Enjoy the other posts here too !

I used these and other fibre arts experiments to make one of the two books I have made so far. 


  1. Very interesting cards! This was my year for making cards, but I did not photograph them and now they are off in a variety of directions in the postal system.

  2. The cards are beautiful. Great job!

  3. Here from TNTN: Love that last one the most, but all are lovely!
