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Showing posts with label Step Inchies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Step Inchies. Show all posts

Step Inchies

"One small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind!" Remember that? Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon for the very first time and we all watched- MILLIONS of us. Then, eons ago, a single humanoid ancestor strolled along a muddy stream bank and left an imprint there for all time when the mud dried and the print became fossilized. He left us a tiny peek into his barefoot world. We walk alone. We walk with friends. We are constantly climbing the steps of the ladder to success- or trying to. Take care where you step because your steps may be indelible and not all marked trails lead to happy endings.
One small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind.
Fossilized footprint of an early human ancestor
In our life, we really always walk alone

How lovely to walk with a little friend though!
On our climb up the ladder of success, be careful where and how you step. We will ALL be watching.

                                                      *PLEASE WATCH YOUR STEP*