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Happy Thanksgiving- slightly past tense

Greetings to all of my kind readers. I wanted to wish you all a VERY Happy Thanksgiving, 2015. Despite the prevalence of so many sad and horrific stories in the world these days, there is MUCH to be thankful for in each of our lives. I, personally , am blessed with good health, a wonderful family, a BEAUTIFUL young Grandboy (coming up to 20 months) . My Mum is joining us for supper tonight . She is 95 and really quite well - although shaky on her feet and a little forgetful. I am very thankkful and LUCKY to still have my Mum!

Here is beautiful Indian Corn which will decorate our Thanksgiving Table

One wish for you all is a table that always welcomes friends and family and that always has enough good food  on it.
Euonymus Alata
And I hope that there is beauty in your lives and that you spend time actively seeking, enjoying and sharing it!


Monkshood or Aconitum Napellus

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Stay well and enjoy the lovely Autumn colours and weather. And...

                                                   DON'T FORGET TO VOTE !

I am now going to post this to the needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.com Sorry you could not have had my good wishes yesterday but they are equally sincerely wished today! Happy Thanksgiving just past!


  1. Lovely photos. We voted Friday evening. We had our family dinner yesterday and we shared our table with a guest - a young masters student whose family lives in Newfoundland. I too am blessed with good health and a wonderful family. It's a great day for a walk and my husband and I already managed a small hike this morning.

  2. Great photos and yes, we have much to be thankful for, Happy thanksgiving!

  3. Wonderful colours and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    We have neither Thanksgiving nor the rich colours that you experience in the USA but everywhere here in the UK is mellowing nicely. Frosts are threatened for later in the week and there have been many misty mornings. It is a beautiful time of year.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! (and yes, I have voted already!)
    Beautiful photos, love the pictures of the corn.

  5. Well past Thanksgiving now and just starting to catch up with you !
    You really have some amazing photography here ... congrats ! I can see some work coming out of these ;)
