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Berberis Berries and stuff

I am well on the way to finishing the Berberis Berries and I THINK I am a nappy camper?? I have gotten to the background quilting part and, although I am happy with the quilting, am not sure about the thread colour. The background fabric, while a very pretty and appropriate hand dye for this piece, is a bear to work with, thread colour wise! Anyway, you be the judge. I have included a few closeups to show you what I am aiming for.
Here is the whole piece to date. It has been quilted , all but the background. Some background, however, has been done.
I like this twig. Happy with it!

A bit of detail on the berries themselves.

Some detail of the background quilting.

Bit more background. I am hoping to do some intensive quilting like I did on the Honeysuckle berries so that the fruit itself really pops out. 
Now then, here is a little extra! I made this little landscape sample for the shop where I sometimes teach. I was asked to do a winter landscape. Cold enough for ya?
Well, it is a change from red!!The quilting does not show up here but I used Superior's Silver metallic thread to quilt the really bright parts of the snowy foreground.
Now, I shall post this to the needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.com . I have not looked there this week yet but hope there will be lots of interesting things. This IS, however, the last week before school starts so LOTS for Mums to be doing besides fooling around with quilts and crochet! Check it out anyway, It is always intriguing to see what folks are up to. Enjoy!


  1. Your art quilts are amazing! Beautiful job on both!

  2. Love your berries! Beautiful piece! And I can’t bare to look at your winter piece though my quick glimpse registered, “lovely!” lol

  3. Berry nice and the bit of coolness hardly registers as we sizzle and fry! lol

  4. Love that berry piece. And the winter one, too. Brrrrr! Could you go a tiny bit lighter with the thread colour on the background. What you've done looks good, though.

  5. Love your berries. They look like you could pick them.

  6. Lovely pieces - both of them. Good luck with your background.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Gorgeous--the details on the berries are amazing! How large is the quilt?

  9. those berries are lucious! but I am not one for winter so I shiver just looking at that snow!

  10. I see not one single thing wrong with the colour of the thread for the background...perhaps stand back a wee bit? ;-)

  11. Love your blog and would love to follow you via email?

  12. I got your quilt in the mail today. It is exquisite. I love it. Do you sell your quilts and if so how much is the berry quilt on this blog?
