The background is quilted and I THINK it is done. |
Just loose, freehand peony leaf outlines- all I am doing to the background-- I THINK! |
The quilting is finished- I THINK!
My brain hurts now. Too much THINKING! I am pretty happy with most of the quilting and have started to do some "lily gilding", as I call it. Pencil crayons, Caran d"Ache Neocolor pastels- just to define certain spots. It should make ME happy but you will not likely see an appreciable difference. As it is almost time for TNTN to close for this week, I will post this and bore the people stiff. Sorry folks, but with a dud finger, I am not working very quickly. Others are ! Check out the
needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.com and enjoy what you find there.
You haven't bored us! It is so nice to see experienced machine quilters show us their process!