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Long time since the Last Post!

It has been a busy week and promises more for the next while. However, I have finished the Reflections piece and have started another - with Reemay again! We visited St Jacob's last weekend to see Elaine Quehl's lovely exhibition and the town was almost as attractive as Elaine's quilts! There were huge tubs of foliage and flowers everywhere. Looking at then, one would NEVER suspect that southern Ontario had had such a dry summer. Maybe the PEOPLE of St Jacobs have been thirsty, because the plants in those tubs certainly were not suffering! I got some lovely , colourful pictures of the spectacular coleus leaves. That inspired me to start a new little quilt . Here goes!

Stunning colour, no? These were fabulous.

Here is my Reemay mask in progress. I drew the pattern, had it enlarged at the printer's and then traced the pattern onto the back of my Reemay. Once the whole pattern was in place, I covered the back side with Wonder Under. Then, with the aid of my trusty soldering iron, I started to cut-  and cut----- and CUT! VERY tired, sore back last night! BTW, the kitchen light fixture is reflected on the glass I was working on!

The cut out mask and my working photo

Mask all cut out, I put it onto a sheet of acrylic and went to town with Setacolor paints and Dye Na Flo

Not in very good focus, but here is the mask drying before I continue. I will do more detail once the paints have dried.
Now, it is time for a walk. It is crisp and breezy - but our sunshine has disappeared. Ah, well, nae problem!
Next job, dye some fabrics for the background and do another couple of smaller masks. Stay tuned!

I am going to post this to needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.com. There will be lots of interesting things to see there. Drop by for a visit!


  1. RT...I am fascinated! What is Reemay? I looked it up on Google and got some sort of automotive site! I am a bit unclear as to how you use it...eager to learn more. That foliage photo is quite amazing!

  2. Yes, truly very interesting and beautiful*

  3. Yes...what is Reemay? Thanks for showing us...fascinating process:)

  4. Interesting process! And lucky you getting to see a whole bunch of Elaine Quehl’s quilts AND St Jacob’s-really enjoy her work and that beautiful area of ON.

  5. Thanks for linking!

    Your project is WOW - so very interesting. It's just incredible what you can do! ; )

    ps-In the future, can you link to your specific post title instead of your blog in general? Often I come to check it out a little late and it goes straight to your newest post, and I can't always find your wip wed post. It's easy to do... simply click on the title of your post, and the direct URL should pop up at the top. You can copy & paste that into the link next time.

    All the best! : )
    Monika in Saskatoon, TN&TN mod

  6. love the intricate mask, this is going to be beautiful
