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A little personal challenge!- and Putechan finished.

Have a look at these.I found them in a box and am going to make a little something with them all together .I have scads of fabrics in my stash and NEED to start using it up, especially as I have now started dyeing some of my own fabrics. Wish me luck and we shall see what I come up with for next week.
Putechan is fini now! I need to hang it somewhere better so it hangs nicely instead of flopping along the edges.It is on a narrow board at the back so the edges are hanging loosely.On the whole, I am quite pleased with this one. It is a very significant spot in my husband's family history.


  1. Putechan looks great. I luv the colours from your box and certainly wish you luck!

  2. I really like your Putechan quilt and will await your next project. Those pieces look interesting. Have fun with the dyeing.

  3. I love the colours of your pieces. Will you make a purse, hopefully not potholders. You could make large coasters not for saucepans but for teapots onto the table for everyone to see.

  4. I love the finished castle. And those pieces might make nice mug mats. Or maybe some sort of bag.

  5. Putechan looks marvelous. Love it:)

  6. The Putechan looks great .... alot of detail ....well done
    in stitches

  7. Your marvelous castle becomes "alive" with your quilting. An impressive piece, congrats on the finish.
